Elephant Baby : Full Service Postpartum Support

Thinking back to my own postpartum days, I really wish Kilah was around. Especially with my last kiddo. Two older kids and a breast feeding newborn. GOODNESS! Kilah comes to your home, and takes care of YOU. She helps with cleaning, cooking, meal preparation, running errands, and grocery shopping after your baby is born. Allowing you to rest, eat good food, and bond with your new baby.

Kilah and I got collaborated together to give away a lifestyle newborn session to her new business giveaway winner. The Severin family welcomed in the cutest little boy, right at home! Their adorable little girl, became the best big sister! She was so in love with her baby brother. I was so happy to get to meet her too. All the big smiles and goofiness during out session. Little dude wanted to stay awake for all the action, but he has the most calm demeanor. Just taking it all in.

Thank you so much for letting me into your home, and photographing this special time for you guys. He's absolutely perfect, congratulations again!

With Love, Ash

Visit Kilah's website here!


Make sure to connect on FB with her too
